Private training and coaching

We'll work with you to build internal capabilities through customised training, coaching and mentoring.

Upskill your team

We offer private training as we understand the importance of high-quality web content, especially for brand and organisational reputation.

Having content design skills within your team can help keep your digital products to a high standard.

Good content designers are in high demand so it can often be hard to find the right skills when you need them. We can train your staff and if needed provide mentorship throughout a digital project so you’ll benefit from having in-house content design skills.

We’ll customise training to your organisation’s needs. Some topics we offer include:

  • how to improve web content so it meets NZ web standards
  • researching who your audience is and finding out what language they use
  • writing web-friendly plain English content that’s clear and to the point
  • structuring content so it’s easy to read and understand online
  • how to use online tools to assess your writing
  • improving web content accessibility, including accessible documents and videos
  • using data and analytics to improve web content.

Chat to us today about our private training options.

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Let’s chat about content design and how it can help your team or web project.